[18.01.19 Author: Laura Kor]
We always hoped to engage with environmental and conservation organisations in French Guiana to learn about their work and share our findings. So we're very grateful to both the Societe Entomologie Antilles-Guyane (SEAG) and Direction de l'Environnement, de l'Aménagement et du Logement (DEAL) de Guyane for meeting us during our time here!
SEAG (the Entomological Society of Antilles-Guyane) is a group of passionate entomologists studying and sharing knowledge on the insects of French Guiana. Last Saturday, we joined Frédéric, Pierre-Henri and Franc at their long-term study site. They've set up a multitude of invertebrate survey methods, from classic malaise traps to novel automatic light-traps, which they diligently check every single Saturday.
After the sweaty work of collecting the samples, full of fascinating insect life, we were treated to a delicious lunch at Chez Frédéric. We heard about the amazing expeditions the team undertake to the country’s interior, constantly on the quest to find out more about its insect life. We then joined the group at their laboratory, where we watched in awe as they sorted the samples into their orders at lightening speed. Each specimen will be identified to species level to contribute to this long-term study. It was inspiring to spend time with such dedicated entomologists!

Back in Cayenne, we had the privilege of visiting the offices of DEAL yesterday (the French Guianan Directorate for the Environment). We had a fascinating meeting with Helene and Pearle, who focus on natural habitats, fauna and flora. We spoke about our project and preliminary findings and learnt a lot about their hard work to progress the region’s protection of wildlife. This includes updating Guyane’s Red List of threatened species and establishing new wildlife regulations.

Merci beaucoup to both SEAG and DEAL for their time and hospitality! Both organisations kindly agreed to be interviewed for our upcoming documentary – so watch this space for their take on the insect trade.